Our Elders

The role of Elders at ECC is based on and developed from scripture. The Greek word translated as "presbyter" or "elder" is used sixty-six times in the New Testament. Sixteen refer to an office in the church and they include guidance on the selection of Elders and their roles and responsibilities. The word "overseer" is also used in this way in Paul's first letter to Timothy and other places, and the role of "pastor" is mentioned once in Eph 4:11. Reference is also made to "leaders" or "those who lead" in Hebrews 13;7, 17 & 24. [References: Acts 14:23; 15:4, 6, 22; 16:4; 20:17; 20:28, 21:18;  Phil 1:1;  1 Tim 3:1-2, 5:17, 19;  Titus 1:5, 7;  James 5:14;  1 Pet 5:1-5; 2:25;  2 John 1:1;  3 John 1:1.]

Paul's letter to Titus gives the clearest single introduction to the role of Elders, encouraging Timothy to appoint Elders in every town:

"The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you. An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer manages God's household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it." (NIV: Titus 1:5-9, see also 1 Tim 3:1-12 & 1 Pet 1-5)

In other places elders are told to keep watch over the flock (Acts 20:28) and to pray for the sick (James 5:14-15). Underlying all of this is the call to be servant leaders, as modeled for us by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:1-17 & Phil 2:5-8). The Elders at ECC seek to follow scripture in this way and ask the church to assist them in this.

The congregation is encouraged to approach the Elders regarding any matter regarding the body of Christ in ECC. This can be by email or by approaching the Elders or Church Staff at any church meeting.

Elders and pastors in ECC are appointed to the Elder Board which handles the business of the church in accordance with Scripture and the Articles of Association of the Church. Elder candidates are church members who are nominated by other members, are examined by the Elders and are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). As the result of the elders' election held at the AGM on March 7, 2021 the ECC Elders Board now consists of the people below.

  • Elder Alex Kun (chairman)

    I grew up in a non-Christian family in Hong Kong, but my parents sent me to a Christian elementary school where I first came to know Christ. I enjoyed reading the Bible stories in the Religious Studies class, which prompted me to ponder on Christianity. I was attracted by Jesus’ teachings and found some truth in them. However, I did not go to church until I went to a Christian high school. One of my classmates invited me to join a youth fellowship of a local Chinese church in Hong Kong. I accepted the invitation, but my initial motive was to hang out with friends. Also, I did not go on a regular basis. Later on, God changed my attitude through my Christian friends’ testimonies. I began to realize their life transformation. I was attracted by Christianity again. I began to take the belief more seriously and dug deeper into my faith. 


    After graduating from college, I moved to work in the financial industry in New York where I attended the Overseas Chinese Mission Church (OCM). OCM is a large, bilingual church in Chinatown. I attended the English Sunday service while joining a Chinese-speaking fellowship. I enjoyed the multi-cultural nature of the church. And by God’s grace, I was given various opportunities to serve as a small group leader, President of a young adult fellowship, and Chairperson of a church retreat. It was always a blessing to serve as I could grow with my brothers and sisters through both good times and bad times. Finally, I was baptized at OCM in 2004.


    I met my wife, Belinda, in college. She is also from Hong Kong, and she was born and raised in a Christian family. We got married in New York in 2006 and returned to Hong Kong. We were introduced by a friend to attend ECC when we came back. Since then, we have never moved to another church. ECC is our home church. We have been attending the Sorrento small group since 2007. I always find that joining a small group or fellowship gives me a sense of belonging to the church. We enjoy the fellowship and support through prayers in the group. I also help lead the group now. Three years ago, I had the opportunity to join the Mission and Outreach Committee. I started my first short-term mission trip to Cambodia and then to Mongolia with my wife and my son. It has been a humbling experience in the mission fields where I could see God’s work with the unreached people through His faithful servants. I believe every Christian is being called as a missionary in various mission fields like school, workplace, family, etc.

    Contact Elder Alex Kun

  • Elder Rickie Hung

    I was born into a church-going family in Hong Kong. Sunday service was an optional event where I collected candy. When I was 6 years old, my family moved to Canada, and at the same time my father became ill. Through his surgery and recuperation period, Jesus brought my father into relationship with Him, and then my father led our family to believe in Jesus. I started learning more about Jesus at church, school, family worship time and youth groups – including Harvesters at ECC. One day, I realized that I had never “formally” told Jesus that I believed in His death and resurrection, although I had never really doubted His existence. So, one night before bed when I was 15 years old, I prayed to accept Jesus as my savior and Lord. I got baptized when I was 16.


    Looking back, I see that God had gotten right to work in sanctifying me. I experienced many challenges to my faith in college in Canada and got to the point of almost renouncing my belief in Jesus. Inwardly I felt lifeless and dry, but outwardly I was an active Christian fellowship leader. I felt that I should not appear weak in front of others. It was actually pride – not wanting others to see me as weak. With support from family and friends, I learned to be real with God, real with people, and real with myself. This has been an ongoing process throughout my career as a teacher and school psychologist. Helping students with learning difficulties, navigating conflicts with colleagues, and tackling seemingly insurmountable projects made me realize how much I needed to learn, how important it was to ask for help, and how crucial it was to trust in the Lord. I am always encouraged by this verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)


    As I learned to trust in the Lord more, He has led me to take up different responsibilities, and every time I have been reminded that He would equip me for the work He wanted me to do. I trust that God will continue to equip me and guide me as I serve as an elder at ECC.


    I met my wife Catherine when we served together at Bible Study Fellowship. We have two lovely daughters, Abigail and Isabella. I enjoy taking time to jog, play piano, and watch the occasional sci-fi flick.

    Contact Elder Rickie Hung

  • Pastor Adam McCulloch

    Adam was born in Oklahoma in the USA and grew up in West Virginia. Adam grew up as a non-Christian, and wanted nothing to do with Christianity throughout high school and into the beginning of his university years. Yet God did an amazing work in Adam’s life while attending university; God began convicting Adam of his sinful lifestyle and opened His eyes to see the emptiness of life without Christ. Adam eventually believed in the gospel while attending university and experienced the joy of a new life in Christ. After becoming a Christian, he transferred to Liberty University in Virginia and majored in Biblical Studies.

    While at Liberty, Adam became exposed to the spiritual needs of the world through a summer mission trip to East Asia. After graduating, he moved to East Asia to teach English with a Christian organization, and while there he met his wife Mary. They returned to the US, got married, and then moved to Louisville, Kentucky where Adam studied theology and counseling at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

    After finishing seminary, the McCullochs moved back to East Asia and spent many years serving as Christian workers to a large unreached people group. In 2019, his family moved to Hong Kong where Adam spent 3 years as the associate pastor at Ambassador International Church. In August of 2022, Adam became the pastor at ECC.

    Adam and Mary are blessed with 3 wonderful daughters – Katie, Caroline and Anne. All three girls attend International Christian School in Hong Kong. In his free time, Adam loves hiking Hong Kong’s trails, enjoying Hong Kong’s food, and watching American football and basketball.

    Contact Pastor Adam