
The Bible says, Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are/about-us/statement-of-faith many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:4-8)


Practically speaking, membership is a step in your spiritual growth. As you intend on take on greater responsibility and participation in the church and missions, you would benefit by first knowing about the church’s beliefs, background, purpose, and vision. Membership is also a requirement for those seeking to become a deacon, elder, and other leadership positions in the church. It is also a requirement for those seeking to vote in congregational meetings. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. (Ephesians 5:29-30)

ECC receives into membership anyone who is born again through faith in Jesus Christ and professes Him before the world; has received believer’s baptism; who has reached sixteen years of age; who has a good reputation as to life and character; and who accepts the Statement of Faith of ECC.

Dual memberships are acceptable. That is, those who are members of an overseas church may retain the membership in their home church while becoming a member of ECC. 

To become a member, the following process shall be applicable:

Applying for Church Membership

  • Attend a Membership Class where Membership Application will be distributed.
  • Once your Membership Application has been received, it will be reviewed and you may be contacted for clarifications, if needed.
  • Following the successful review of your application, you will be recommended for membership to the Board of Elders.
  • Approval by the Board of Elders.
  • Official welcome for new members at one of the worship services.

Membership Dismissal and Restoration


In keeping with the responsibilities and commitments of being a member of ECC, please contact the church office if there is a change in your status, e.g. relocating overseas, or for whatever reasons you are unable to attend worship services for over one year, in order for us to know what care to extend, and also keep our membership records updated.


Any member absent from worship services for over a year may be considered lapsed, and will need to have their membership restored to participate in General Meetings and vote. Other reasons for dismissal from membership: any member unrepentant in their sin (after being approached according to biblical guidelines), membership termination by request, and death.


Any member who wishes to have membership restored due to being absent for over a year is able to do so by completing the Membership Restoration Form for approval by the Pastors and Board of Elders. Any member who wishes to have membership restored following dismissal due to unrepentant sin is able to do so upon his repentance, and upon written application for restoration being approved by the Pastors and Elders.


Should you have any questions, please contact the church office at 2723-4777 or email to